About the Journal

  1. Journal Title : Green Health: International Journal of Health Sciences, Nursing and Nutrition
  2. Initials : GreenHealth
  3. Frequency : January, April, July and October
  4. Print ISSN : XXXX-XXXX
  5. Online ISSN : 3063-7309
  6. Editor in Chief : Dr. Edy Winarno, S.T., M.Eng 
  7. DOI : 10.70062
  8. Publisher : International Forum of Researchers and Lecturers

Green Health: International Journal of Health Sciences, Nursing and Nutrition; This journal is intended for the publication of scientific articles published by the International Forum of Researchers and Lecturers. This journal contains studies in the fields of Health Sciences, Nursing and Nutrition, both theoretically and empirically. The focus of this journal is on the study of Science, Nursing Science, Midwifery, Hospital Administration, Entomology (Health, Phytopathology), Biomedical Science, Medical Analysis, Reproduction (Biology and Health), Nutrition Science, and Other Health & Nutrition Not Yet Listed. This journal is published 1 year 4 times (January, April, July and October)

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