Study Connection Knowledge Nurse with Initial Treatment of Chest Trauma Patients in the UGD


  • Rashel Yusya Athanurseha
  • Dwiki Fadli Ade Novianto
  • Ikhwanul Kirom


Knowledge, Early Handling, Chest Trauma


Trauma requires immediate and appropriate treatment. Because if the handling is not right or wrong it will result in further complications, such as infection, damage to nerves and blood vessels so that it can result in further soft tissue damage. Knowledge is the result of knowing and this has happened after a person runs his senses on a certain object. This sensory process occurs based on the five senses of every human being, namely the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch (Notoadmodjo, 2014).




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How to Cite

Rashel Yusya Athanurseha, Dwiki Fadli Ade Novianto, & Ikhwanul Kirom. (2024). Study Connection Knowledge Nurse with Initial Treatment of Chest Trauma Patients in the UGD. Health Harmony: International Journal of Medicine, Health and Physiotherapy, 1(3), 24–28. Retrieved from