Study Of The Correlation Between Behavior In Fulfilling Spiritual Needs During The Pandemic And The Level Of Knowledge Of Inpatients At Regional Hospitals


  • Nyoman Widhi Wisesa
  • Latifah Latifah
  • Mailatul Muyassaroh



Study, Correlation, Behaviour


This study investigates the correlation between behavior in meeting spiritual needs during the pandemic and the level of knowledge of inpatients at regional hospitals. Through analysis of survey data, the relationship between these aspects is explored to understand their impact on patient well-being. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide a better understanding of the importance of meeting spiritual needs in patient care during the global health crisis.



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How to Cite

Nyoman Widhi Wisesa, Latifah Latifah, & Mailatul Muyassaroh. (2024). Study Of The Correlation Between Behavior In Fulfilling Spiritual Needs During The Pandemic And The Level Of Knowledge Of Inpatients At Regional Hospitals . Global Health: International Journal of Health Sciences, Public Health and Pharmacy, 1(1), 18–28.