Esearch On Anxiety Levels In School-Aged Children In Online Learning During The Pandemic In Elementary Schools


  • Windy Esti Andari
  • Tria Aprilia
  • Komariyah Komariyah



Research, Anxiety Levels, School-Aged Children


This research explores the level of anxiety in school-aged children during online learning during the pandemic in elementary schools. Through surveys and data analysis, anxiety levels are identified and factors influencing them are explored. The findings of this study provide insight into the impact of online learning on the mental well-being of school-aged children, as well as the implications for developing educational strategies that are responsive to their psychological needs.


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How to Cite

Windy Esti Andari, Tria Aprilia, & Komariyah Komariyah. (2024). Esearch On Anxiety Levels In School-Aged Children In Online Learning During The Pandemic In Elementary Schools. Global Health: International Journal of Health Sciences, Public Health and Pharmacy, 1(1), 07–17.