A comparative study in the management of reducing organizational conflict between secondary school principals and supervisors from the point of view of sports teachers in Ramadi Education.


  • Suad Hasan Saeed Anbar Education Directorate
  • Yaseen Ali Khalaf University of Anbar
  • Othman Adham Ali University of Anbar




Organizational conflict, conflict reduction management, secondary school principals and supervisors, sports teachers


The importance of the research lies in looking at organizational conflict in an integrated and interconnected manner to know its main roots in order to work to reduce it and then remove it as much as possible and control it and direct it for the benefit of the work of institutions. The study aimed to find differences in the management of reducing organizational conflict between school principals and supervisors in education in Ramadi from the point of view of physical education teachers. The descriptive approach was used comparatively on the research sample of school principals and educational supervisors in Ramadi Education, numbering (16 school principals and 7 supervisors) from the point of view of 32 sports teachers. The scale of managing the reduction of organizational conflict was adopted. After the teachers finished answering, the questionnaires were collected, audited, and the statistical data were processed using the statistical bag. The researcher reached the following conclusions: School principals in Anbar Education seek with all their efforts to manage the reduction of organizational conflict within the school or educational institution better than educational supervisors from the point of view of sports teachers. - Conflict is an organizational phenomenon, and the existence of an acceptable level of it is necessary for the continuation of the work of the institution and its members, as it cannot always be considered negative or always positive, so it can be judged by the ability of the school principal and educational supervisor to manage it properly. Considering the conclusions, the researcher recommends encouraging teamwork and creating a high degree of trust and cooperation between the school administration and the educational supervisor and his teachers to reduce conflict between individuals and groups. - Involving school principals and educational supervisors in periodic training courses and informing them of modern administrative methods, including the issue of managing the reduction of organizational conflict.


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How to Cite

Suad Hasan Saeed, Yaseen Ali Khalaf, & Othman Adham Ali. (2024). A comparative study in the management of reducing organizational conflict between secondary school principals and supervisors from the point of view of sports teachers in Ramadi Education. Global Health: Journal of Health Sciences, Public Health and Pharmacy, 1(3), 01–10. https://doi.org/10.70062/globalhealth.v1i3.17