The level of independence of elderly people in carrying out daily activities during the pandemic with help from family members


  • Linda Purwanti
  • Ria Fitri Mawardiningrum
  • Lunna Wuryandari



Elderly People, Daily Activities, Pandemic


This study aims to evaluate the level of independence of elderly people in carrying out daily activities during the pandemic with support from family members. Through data collection and analysis, the level of independence in various aspects of daily life is identified, as well as the role played by the family in providing help and support. The findings of this study provide insight into the important role of the family in maintaining the independence of the elderly in crisis situations such as a pandemic.


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How to Cite

Linda Purwanti, Ria Fitri Mawardiningrum, & Lunna Wuryandari. (2024). The level of independence of elderly people in carrying out daily activities during the pandemic with help from family members. Global Health: International Journal of Health Sciences, Public Health and Pharmacy, 1(1), 38–47.