Explanation of the extent to which people in a district comply with wearing masks during the pandemic


  • Hilda Pradina Faradiba
  • Aditya Syaiful Dhuhri
  • Wulan Febriyani




Explanation, Compliance, Wearing Masks


This study aims to explain the level of community compliance in a district in wearing masks during the pandemic. Through surveys and observations, behavioral patterns of mask use are identified and factors influencing them are explored. The findings of this study provide valuable insight into the level of public compliance with pandemic health protocols, as well as their relevance in efforts to control the spread of the virus.


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How to Cite

Hilda Pradina Faradiba, Aditya Syaiful Dhuhri, & Wulan Febriyani. (2024). Explanation of the extent to which people in a district comply with wearing masks during the pandemic. Global Health: International Journal of Health Sciences, Public Health and Pharmacy, 1(1), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.70062/globalhealth.v1i1.10